Methodology of Giorgio Agamben’s Critical-Political Project «Homo Sacer»
Homo Sacer, political theology, sovereign, biopolitics, bare life, double exclusion, human condition.Abstract
This article presents a study of one of the key authors of the contemporary political philosophy and political theology of the XX-XXI centuries of Giorgio Agamben. The first part of the article gives short biographical information about Agamben. It also describes the place of Agamben on the field of modern philosophical discourse. In the second part, using the example of the classification “hedgehog-fox” classification we tried to reveal Agamben’s method of thinking. Books of this author go beyond the same theme and have their own logic and their own vocabulary. Agamben tries to find special ways of looking at a large number of things and phenomena. The third part is an entry into the critically-political project “Homo Sacer”. Homo Sacer is an attempt to prove the inability to divide zoe from bios, private and public spheres of life. Agamben analyzes sovereign power, which is closely linked to the religious structures of Western monotheism. The author blurs the boundaries between secular and non-secular and raises the question of the possibility of rigorous breeding of secular and non-secular politics.
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