The Potential and Challenges of Empirical Research in Theology: Observations and Reflections from a Supervisor’s Perspective


  • Bernhard OTT



Empirical research, theology, empirical theology, contextual theology, reflective practitioner, empirical turn, methods, methodology.


This paper explores the potential and the challenges of empirical research in theological education from a supervisor’s perspective. It argues that empirical research brings theology down to earth. It enables theology to turn to life and leads theology into cultures and contexts. It helps theology to move away from disconnected and ahistorical, intellectual reasoning, and it embeds theological theories in praxis. However, the following challenges are identified and discussed: Researchers and supervisors have to understand and to assess the so called ‘empirical turn’. They need to master empirical research methodologies and methods, and finally, theology and empirical research have to be integrated properly.


Author Biography

Bernhard OTT

Бернхард Отт, доктор філософії, позаштатний професор Університету Південної Африки, директор докторантури Європейської школи культури та богослов'я (Лісталь, Швейцарія)


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How to Cite

OTT, Bernhard. 2018. “The Potential and Challenges of Empirical Research in Theology: Observations and Reflections from a Supervisor’s Perspective”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 21 (August):172-85.