Philosophical Hermeneutics as Scientific Approach to the Investigation of Biblical Texts


  • Petro HUSAK



texts as data, rational knowledge, direct meaning, states of affairs in reality, content’s unity, hermeneutical circle, motivation of textual formulations, rational reflexion, tradition, authority, critics of ideology, reasonable service.


Contents, present in biblical texts, are data, accessible to rational knowledge, and hence — object of philosophical hermeneutics of texts as such. Taking into account the supra-temporal way of existing of texts, a researcher is akin to know, “how it is indeed”, coming out of the direct meaning of text, and basing on the philological fact, that words have their primary meaning, which correctly reflects things and states of affairs in reality. A rational reflection makes to its research’ object the tradition of “exactly such interpretation of texts” and spellings of authorities, goes beyond their frames and checks them on their unimpeachability. Such checking is a “reasonable service” (cf.: Rom 12, 1): usage of the reflexive ability of reason, which belongs to human personhood as image of God.

Author Biography


Гусак Петро Романович, Ph.D., к.ф.н., кафедра філософії Українського Католицького Університету


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How to Cite

HUSAK, Petro. 2018. “Philosophical Hermeneutics As Scientific Approach to the Investigation of Biblical Texts”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 21 (August):152-57.