Epistemological Principles of Philosophical Theism of Richard Swinburne.


  • Fedor STRYZHACHUK Odessa Theological Seminary, Ukraine




theism, philosophical theism, concept of God, theistic arguments, Richard Swinburne, epistemology, coherence of theism, probability, induction, apologetics.


The article examines the epistemological foundations of the philosophical theology of the analytic philosopher of religion Richard Swinburne. The author analyzes the epistemological principles that determine: the nature of knowledge, the justification of knowledge in terms of probability, the Bayes theorem, the principle of simplicity, the scientific explanation, the personal explanation, etc. The article studies the structure of the philosophical theism of Swinburne: the coherent concept of God and arguments for the existence of God. The author also studies the apologetic potential of the philosophical theism of R. Swinburne.

Author Biography

Fedor STRYZHACHUK, Odessa Theological Seminary

Федір Стрижачук, кандидат філософських наук, старший науковий співробітник Центру дослідження релігії Національного педагогічного універсиетту імені М. П. Драгоманова (Одеса, Україна)


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How to Cite

STRYZHACHUK, Fedor. 2018. “Epistemological Principles of Philosophical Theism of Richard Swinburne”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 21 (August):108-25. https://doi.org/10.29357/2521-179X.2018.21.7.