The Effectiveness of the Ukrainian Protestant Media: Results of a Sociological Survey


  • Maxim BALAKLITSKY He is a candidate (doctor) in Philology and Associate Professor of the Karazin Department of Journalism at Kharkiv National University, as well as a doctoral student at the Shevchenko Institute of Journalism at Kyiv National University, Ukraine


The Effectiveness of the Ukrainian Protestant Media, Results of a Sociological Survey, Protestant mass media in Ukraine


Secular and religious researchers, studying this subject, run together in the desire to determine how interesting the informational product to the secular audience is. The researches lack the look from inside such as studying the evaluation of the religious mass media by their main audience – members of religious organizations. To fill in this lacuna we carried out a psychological survey not only of the TV and radio, but also press and Internet Ukrainian Protestant mass media audience and staff.
The carried out survey of the Protestant mass media staff and audience revealed that the religious mass media belong to the specialized types of publications. Their influence upon the target audience group, members of the religious community is deep and stable, at the same time the missionary potential is quite low. The complex of factors, which accompanies conversion, correspond with interpersonal and group, but not the mass communication.
The confessional mass media are the area of the religious subculture existence. The confidence of Protestants to their publications is very high, though it combines with the critical and evaluating approach. The social subject is the most demanded by the Ukrainian Protestant media. The organized aid for the socially deprived is the main manifestation of the public position of Protestants in our

Author Biography

Maxim BALAKLITSKY, He is a candidate (doctor) in Philology and Associate Professor of the Karazin Department of Journalism at Kharkiv National University, as well as a doctoral student at the Shevchenko Institute of Journalism at Kyiv National University

Maksym A. Balaklytskyi was born in 1977. He is a candidate (doctor) in Philology and Associate Professor of the Karazin Department of Journalism at Kharkiv National University, as well as a doctoral student at the Shevchenko Institute of Journalism at Kyiv National University. He edits the Internet newspaper The Way ( and serves as elder of the fifth Kharkiv community of Seventh Day Adventists. Balaklitsky has authored more than fifty scholarly works, including the monograph The new religiosity of Ivan Bahryany (Kyiv, 2005) and the textbook The essay as an artistic and journalistic genre (Kharkiv, 2007).


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How to Cite

BALAKLITSKY, Maxim. 2011. “The Effectiveness of the Ukrainian Protestant Media: Results of a Sociological Survey”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 12 (May):187-212.