Principles for Interpreting Jesus, Parables and the Way They are Understood by Evangelical Christians in Russia


  • Victoria ANTONENKO


Principles for Interpreting Jesus, Parables and the Way They are Understood by Evangelical Christians in Russia, principles of parable interpretation


This article studies the special features of the parables. As a theoretical foundation, the first part presents the main hermeneutical principles with an emphasis on literary analysis guided by the works of well-known experts in the field. A brief excursus on the history of interpretation is also given. Several parables are reviewed as examples, taking into account the features of genre and their relation to the theme of the Kingdom of God. Since the parables elicit many different interpretations, in the second part of the article the author examines the most common misinterpretations and clarifies the reason for them. In the conclusion the significance of the Holy Spirit’s influence on the interpreter is noted, and also several tendencies that exist in contemporary church tradition. In this way the principles of parable interpretation are compared with the position of contemporary Russian Christianity on this issue, inviting the reader to reevaluate his or her own opinion and take a new look at Scripture. The article is intended for readers who are well acquainted with the biblical texts and deeply concerned with theological issues.

Author Biography


Victoria Antonenko graduated from Krasnodar Christian University in 1996. Currently she is in her third year of Master's degree studies at St. Petersburg Christian University (SPCU). She has been a member of a Baptist church since 1991. For many years she has taught Bible studies and worked with youth in the church. She has a Christian website that explores themes of music and literature, and writes theological articles and fiction. In addition, she studies issues of Christian counseling.


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How to Cite

ANTONENKO, Victoria. 2016. “Principles for Interpreting Jesus, Parables and the Way They Are Understood by Evangelical Christians in Russia”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 4 (June):76-95.