Apophatism and Cataphatism in Protestantism


  • Constantine PROKHOROV


Apophatism and Cataphatism in Protestantism, cataphatic way in Christian theology. Protestantism, Roman Catholics and Orthodox to include apophatism


The author of the paper shows the essential superiority of the apophatic way of knowing God over the cataphatic way in Christian theology. Protestantism, which frequently (and often deservedly) is accused of excessive rationalism, has actually remained indifferent to this problem. The present brief research intends to show that Protestants have even more grounds (in comparison with Roman Catholics and Orthodox) to include apophatism in their common epistemological concept. Having deprived themselves intentionally of reliance on a material beginning in issues of faith, most followers of the Reformation worship the God Invisible, who cannot be portrayed. Additionally, the author of the paper puts special emphasis on the apophatic approach to the Lord’s Supper, suggesting that Russian Baptists reconsider this rite and openly style it as sacrament.

Author Biography

Constantine PROKHOROV

Constantine Prokhorov was born in 1966. He is a graduate of North Kazakstan University and Odessa Theological Seminary and teaches Church History and Systematic Theology at Western Siberian Bible College (Omsk, Russia). Prokhorov holds an M.Th. degree with distinction in Baptist and Anabaptist Studies, University of Wales, and is presently working on his doctoral dissertation. He is the author of three books on history and theology. He is married and has three children.


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How to Cite

PROKHOROV, Constantine. 2006. “Apophatism and Cataphatism in Protestantism”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 6 (May):58-68. http://reflections.eeit-edu.info/article/view/89628.