Hermeneutics in Transition: Three Hermeneutical Horizons of Slavic Evangelicals in the Post-Soviet Period


  • Alexander NEGROV Currently he is Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Dean of Post-Graduate studies at St. Petersburg Chastain University, Honorary Lecturer of New Testament at the De partment of New Testament Science, Faculty of Theology/University of Pretoria., Russian Federation


Hermeneutics in transition, three hermeneutical horizons of slavic evangelicals in the post-soviet period, evangelical biblical interpretation, reinterpretation of the biblical texts


This article seeks to identify some of the more common trends within evangelical biblical interpretation produced by current circumstances in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The author argues that the present religious-cultural context, the ongoing political-economic shift, and theological education are affecting the way the Bible is interpreted by these countries’ evangelicals. Today’s evangelical Christians face the challenge of approaching the biblical texts in the midst of constant change related to the historic transformation that their country, society, and churches are undergoing. Within this unsettled context, a reinterpretation of the biblical texts frequently occurs, and the search to discover new meanings within them continues. The author attempts to formulate a framework for the post-communist hermeneutical debate among Slavic evangelicals.

Author Biography

Alexander NEGROV, Currently he is Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Dean of Post-Graduate studies at St. Petersburg Chastain University, Honorary Lecturer of New Testament at the De partment of New Testament Science, Faculty of Theology/University of Pretoria.

Alexander I. Negrov (St. Petersburg), Ph.D. in New Testament. Currently he is Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Dean of Post-Graduate studies at St. Petersburg Chastain University, Honorary Lecturer of New Testament at the De partment of New Testament Science, Faculty of Theology/University of Pretoria. He is a member of several scholarly societies: Society of Biblical Literature (SBL); New Testament Society of South Africa (NTSSA), Evangelical Theological Society (ETS). He has published a number of articles in Russian and international academic  publications. His book Biblical Interpretation in the Russian Orthodox Church: A Historical and Herme neutical Perspective.


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How to Cite

NEGROV, Alexander. 2016. “Hermeneutics in Transition: Three Hermeneutical Horizons of Slavic Evangelicals in the Post-Soviet Period”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 4 (June):33-55. http://reflections.eeit-edu.info/article/view/89625.