

  • Viktor KIRYANOV Works at Church Ministry Institute as a teacher., Ukraine


Bribery, bribery based on the methodology described in The Moral Vision of the New Testament by Richard Hays, bribery problem based on various ethical theories


This article deals with the question of bribery based on the methodology described in The Moral Vision of the New Testament by Richard Hays. We will look at the main passages of Scripture that discuss bribery and make conclusions on a biblical basis as to whether the Bible permits us to give or receive bribes. After that, we will examine different possible solutions of the bribery problem based on various ethical theories. At the end of the article we will draw conclusions in connection with case studies concerning churches in Ukraine that participated in offering bribes.

Author Biography

Viktor KIRYANOV, Works at Church Ministry Institute as a teacher.

Viktor Kiryanov was born in 1973 in Rivne (western Ukraine) to an unbelieving family. He was baptized in 1991 while a firstyear student at the Institute of Water Management Engineers, from which he graduated in 1995 as a mechanical engineer. He graduated from Odessa Theological Seminary in 1999 as a Bachelor of Theology. Presently he lives in Odessa and works at Church Ministry Institute as a teacher, interpreter, and member of the administrative body. He is also studying in the Master’s Program at International Baptist Theological Seminary in Prague. His theological interests are in the area of New Testament studies.


  1. Adeney, Bernard T. Strange Virtues. England: Apollos, 1995
  2. Alden, Robert L. Proverbs. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983
  3. Falkiner, Stephen. “Bribery. Where are lines?” Evangelical Mission Quarterly, 1999, v.35, №1
  4. Hanke, H.A. “Bribery” in Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, in 5 volumes, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1976
  5. Harrison, R.K., ed., “Bribery” in Encyclopaedia of Biblical and Christian Ethics. Nashvill: Tomas Nelson Publishers, 1987
  6. Hays, Richard B. The Moral Vision of the New Testament. SanFrancisco: Harper, 1996
  7. Kaiser, L. “Bribery”, International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia,v.2, CD “The Master Christian Library”
  8. Lange, John P. Commentary on the Holy Scripture. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1960
  9. Martin, Dale B. “Book Review.” JBL, v.117/2, 1998, pp.358-360
  10. Nichols, Gregory. “A Case for Bribery: Giving Versus Taking.” Evangelical Mission Quarterly, Jan.1999, v.35, №1
  11. Noonan, John T. “Bribery.” A New Dictionary of Christian Ethics. London: SCM Press, 1990
  12. _____________. Bribes. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1988
  13. Scherer, Andreas. “Is the Selfish Man Wise?: Consideration of Context in Proverbs 10:1-22:16 with Special Regards to Surety, Bribery and Friendship”, JSOT, Sheffield Academic Press Limited, 1997
  14. Wilson, Marvin R. “Prophets and Green Palms.” Christianity Today, Jan. 18, 1974, v.18, N.8
  15. The Pulpit Commentary, H.D.M.Spence, v.9, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974
  16. Additional Literature
  17. Garrett, Duane A. The New American Commentary. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1993
  18. Goldberg, Michael L. “The Story of the Moral: Gift or Bribes in Deuteronomy.” A Journal of Bible and Theology, v.38, N.1, 1984
  19. Leiser, Burton M. Liberty, Justice, and Morals. NY: Macmillan Publishing, 1979
  20. New Dictionary of Christian Ethics and Pastoral Theology, David J.Atkinson, InterVarsity Press, 1995
  21. Ramm Bernard L., The Right, the Good and the Happy, Word Boos, Waco, 1971
  22. Rudnick Milton L., Christian Ethics for Today, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, 1979
  23. Book Reviews:
  24. Burridge Richard A., Theology, v.101, 1998, pp.54-55
  25. Hutter Richard, Modern Theology, 1998, pp.455-457
  26. Matera Frank J., Theological Studies, v.58, N.3, 1997, pp.537-539


How to Cite

KIRYANOV, Viktor. 2016. “Bribery”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 3 (June):67-82.