Historical and philosophical assumptions for the formation of the exegetical paradigm of Martin Luther


  • Alexander PRILUTSKII


Historical and philosophical assumptions for the formation of the exegetical paradigm of Martin Luther, exegesis of Martin Luther, general confessional paradigm of the Reformation, historical and philosophical context of the late medieval period


The exegesis of Martin Luther, on the one hand, is part of the reform program of the medieval church, and for this reason is included in the general confessional paradigm of the Reformation. On the other hand, Luther’s exegesis was influenced by the full range of historical and philosophical factors that determined the development of the majority of medieval intellectual movements. Obviously, one cannot correctly understand the Reformation, which is a phenomenon of the exegesis of Martin Luther, and its questions, without considering the historical and philosophical context of the late medieval period.

Author Biography


Alexander Prelutsky is Director General of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria and Academic Dean of the church’s Theological Institute. He is a graduate of the philological faculty of Nizhegorodsky State University and received his theological education at the Theological Institute of the Church of Ingria. From 1999 2001 Prelutsky carried out practical work at Concordia Theological Seminary (Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA). He is the author of a work on the history of exegesis.


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How to Cite

PRILUTSKII, Alexander. 2016. “Historical and Philosophical Assumptions for the Formation of the Exegetical Paradigm of Martin Luther”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 2 (June):86-100. http://reflections.eeit-edu.info/article/view/89621.