Active learning for Russian Evangelical educational institutions


  • Igor PETROV Igor Petrov served as Senior Pastor of Kursk Grace ECB Church. Currently he teaches at Kursk Bible College and is finishing his Ph.D. in Educational Studies at TEDS/TIU, Deerfield, IL., Russian Federation


Active learning for Russian Evangelical educational institutions, basic characteristics of a widely-accepted approach to pedagogy, passive type of learning, active forms of learning, study of active learning methods


This article briefly presents the factors that influenced the formation of spiritual and secular pedagogy in Russia. The author presents a brief analysis of the basic characteristics of a widely-accepted approach to pedagogy, characterized by the effort to impart knowledge to students in the form of previously organized and highly controlled presentations. The author notes the strengths and weaknesses of this approach, including an easily controlled outcome; the impartation of knowledge in concentrated form; a passive type of learning; and the acceptance of knowledge by the students without adequate absorption. Further, the author discusses an active approach to learning that assumes active participation in the educational process by those being taught; the transformation of the role of the teacher into the role of the facilitator; direct knowledge of the God of Truth and not simply knowledge about Him; and the preservation of pure evangelical faith through open dialogue and discussion centered around God and Scripture. The author also makes several practical recommendations concerning the transition to more active forms of learning. The bibliography includes a list of useful literature for further study of active learning methods.

Author Biography

Igor PETROV, Igor Petrov served as Senior Pastor of Kursk Grace ECB Church. Currently he teaches at Kursk Bible College and is finishing his Ph.D. in Educational Studies at TEDS/TIU, Deerfield, IL.

Igor Petrov was born into the family of an Evangelical Christian-Baptist minister in 1961. He is a graduate of Moscow Agricultural Academy (Scientist-Agronomist), St. Petersburg Theological Academy (B. Miss.), and BMATS, Jacksonville, TX (M. Div.). Igor Petrov served as Senior Pastor of Kursk Grace ECB Church. Currently he teaches at Kursk Bible College and is finishing his Ph.D. in Educational Studies at TEDS/TIU, Deerfield, IL.


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How to Cite

PETROV, Igor. 2016. “Active Learning for Russian Evangelical Educational Institutions”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 2 (June):125-46.