May the Spirit be Saved! (1 Cor. 5)


  • Igor SOKOLOV Works as Director of Practical Ministry at Kuban Evangelical Christian University, Russian Federation


May the Spirit be Saved, 1 Cor. 5, 1Cor.5, 3-4, Corinthians,


In evangelical churches many of the disciplinary standards were carried out and are still carried out according to the following principle: do as the Bible tells you. At the same time any attempt to set a sinner on the right path finds its logical culmination in 1Cor.5:3-4. But how much literally should we apply this passage today? It is known that 1Cor.5 has a specific context. If the Corinthians were boasting with what was happening in their church then today Christians won’t exalt the one who has committed sin. This person becomes a black spot for “holy” brothers and sisters and also a stumbling block not only for those who is “outside” but also for those who is inside.  He is the one who is pointed a finger at. The congregation considers him to be a reason of their unsuccessful development. This situation can’t be compared with the one which is in 1 Cor. 5. This way as for the usage of this text you have to follow the principle of the proverb “seven times you will measure one time you will cut”. But unfortunately today just a few people can see the need to go to the true meaning of the passage on the grounds of which it is decided to exclude a sinner from the church.

Author Biography

Igor SOKOLOV, Works as Director of Practical Ministry at Kuban Evangelical Christian University

Igor A. Sokolov was born in 1974. In 2001 he heard God calling him to repent and he was baptized in the Baptist church in Volgograd. Presently he lives in Krasnodar and works as Director of Practical Ministry at Kuban Evangelical Christian University from which he graduated with a Bachelor of Theology degree in 2006. He is planning to pursue a Master’s degree with a specialization in
New Testament. He is involved in worship ministry in the church.


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How to Cite

SOKOLOV, Igor. 2008. “May the Spirit Be Saved! (1 Cor. 5)”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 8 (June):33-55.