Cooperation of the Church with Media as a Tool for Implementation of Evangelical Values in the Culture


  • Oleksiy GORDYEYEV


Cooperation of the Church with Media as a Tool for Implementation of Evangelical Values in the Culture, relations between religious organizations and the media


Author's article deals with the problems of the presence of the church as a social institution in the modern media. The main thesis about irreversibility of engaging of media in dialogue with the Church is considered from the historical and theological perspectives and refracted through the prism of Arminian and Calvinist tradition. The practical consequences of the thesis being proved are investigated in two opposite dimensions of absolute acceptance or rejection of the importance of the consequences of co-operation of churches and the media. The author concludes that the development of harmonious and good relations between religious organizations and the media in the information-oriented society becomes a condition of recognizability of creed and (preliminary) of the positive attitude to the Gospel values. The work is intended to guide the church denominations, members of the media and the church community

Author Biography


Oleksiy Gordyeyev holds a Bachelor of Missiology degree and a Bachelor of Theology in New Testament Studies degree from Kyiv Christian University. He is the author of articles on church#state, interfaith and  interdenominational relations and works as a reporter for the Religious  information Service of Ukraine. Oleksiy is married and serves as a preacher and musician at "New Life" church. E#mail:;


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How to Cite

GORDYEYEV, Oleksiy. 2011. “Cooperation of the Church With Media As a Tool for Implementation of Evangelical Values in the Culture”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 12 (May):147-61.