The Experience of Reading the Church Fathers in the Post$modern Context


  • Olga ZAPROMETOVA She lectures at the ETS-Moscow and St. Andrew's Biblical Theological Institute (Moscow, Russia)., Russian Federation


Church Fathers, doctrine on the divine light and theosis, and Pentecostalism, Gregory the Theologian (IV century) and Simeon the New Theologian (X-XI centuries), mystical theology of the Eastern Church, Russian Pentecostalism


The paper represents the attempt of comparative analysis of the spiritual experiences of the Church Fathers, expressed by them in the development of their doctrine on the divine light and theosis, and Pentecostalism, insisting on the importnace of the Holy Spirit's experience for every new born Christian. The examples from Gregory the Theologian (IV century) and Simeon the New Theologian (X-XI centuries) prove us the importance of the personal experience of the common faith, pointing to the continuity and the development of the mystical theology of the Eastern Church. The author raises the question of acquisition of the patristic heritage by the contemporary Russian Pentecostalism and of the possible ways of its further development.

Author Biography

Olga ZAPROMETOVA, She lectures at the ETS-Moscow and St. Andrew's Biblical Theological Institute (Moscow, Russia).

Оlga Zaprometova - graduted from the Moscow State University (1977), finished her Ph.D. in Enzymology (Bakh's Institute for Biochemistry, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1986). Participated in one year Christian Worker's Program (Birmingham, UK, 1995). Completed a Bachelor of Arts (correspondent program of the Christian Life College; Chicago, IL) and M.Div. ("Church of God" Theological Seminary (Cleveland, TN, 2000). Director of the Mission Possible (1991-1995), the Head of the Correspondent Christian Educational Program (1995-1998). Аcademic Dean of the Eurasian Theological Seminary (ETS-Moscow, 1998-2008). Currently she is finishing her Ph.D. thesis on Rabbinic Judaism (Jewish Studies at the Institute for African and Asian Studies, Moscow State University). She lectures at the ETS-Moscow and St. Andrew's Biblical Theological Institute (Moscow, Russia).


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How to Cite

ZAPROMETOVA, Olga. 2009. “The Experience of Reading the Church Fathers in the Post$modern Context”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 10 (December):57-71.