The Neo-Orthodoxy of Karl Barth as an Attempt to Return to the Sources of Protestant Theology
Karl Barth, Reformation, The reformers, Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, The incarnation, Justification, Faith, Baptism, The Word of God, Covenant, Church, CommunityAbstract
Karl Barth is one of the greatest twentieth century theologians. His theological rethinking of the Reformation, and attempts to synthesize the theology of reformation father were the first but not the last step in an attempt to return to the origins of the Reformation. A holistic view of Karl Barth on the Protestant theology on the one hand, and his criticism of liberal Protestant theology of modernity on the another have left an invaluable legacy of theological thought and a basis for the ecumenical dialogue, both in Protestantism and Christianity in general.
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