The Matrix of the New Covenant for Contextualizing the Gospel Among the Slavic Peoples


  • Mark SAUCY Mark Saucy, Ph. D., is a missionary with SEND International, United States


New Covenant, Effective ministry of the Church, worship and evangelism


The New Covenant, foretold by the prophets of Israel and fully revealed in the apostles’ writings, is the working blueprint for the Church of Jesus Christ. The New Covenant determines both the Church’s nature and mission in the world. Effective ministry of the Church in any surrounding culture depends on the Church working according to her created nature in the New Covenant. The Orthodox cultural milieu of many of the lands of the former Soviet Union calls for a very clear understanding of the New Covenant nature of the Church before «Orthodox» points of contact are attempted in worship and evangelism.

Author Biography

Mark SAUCY, Mark Saucy, Ph. D., is a missionary with SEND International

Mark Saucy, Ph. D. (Systematic Theology), is a missionary with SEND International serving with his wife and two sons in Kyiv, Ukraine since 1994. Dr. Saucy develops theological curricula and teaches in seminaries and regional Bible institutes and colleges of Ukraine. He is a fulltime professor at Kyiv Theological Seminary. His current interest in research is comparative theology.


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  38. Works in Russian
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How to Cite

SAUCY, Mark. 2016. “The Matrix of the New Covenant for Contextualizing the Gospel Among the Slavic Peoples”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 1 (June):97-112.