The Challenge of Postmodernism to Christian theology: Methodological and Radical Strategies of Engagement




Postmodernism, Continental philosophy of religion, M. Westphal, J. Caputo, Epistemology, Deconstruction, Radical theology.


The article looks into the main interpretations of the postmodernism in the contemporary Continental philosophy of religion and theology. The author concludes that contemporary Continental thought understands postmodernism not as hostile to the Christian worldview paradigm, with the main features of relativism, skepticism and nihilism, but as productive methodological tool, which is in unison with the fundamental aspects of Christian thought, and can help to develop sustainable forms of Christian faith and practice for the contemporary world. The author identifies two main versions of postmodernism in contemporary Continental school – methodological and epistemological (M. Westphal) and radically deconstructivist (J. Caputo).

Author Biography

Roman SOLOVIY, Resource and Research Center of the Euro-Asian Accreditation Association (Lviv, Ukraine).

Doctor of Philosophy (Theology), Candidate of Historical Sciences. Roman Soloviy, PhD in History, Head of the Resource and Research Center of the Euro-Asian Accreditation Association (Lviv, Ukraine).


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How to Cite

SOLOVIY, Roman. 2016. “The Challenge of Postmodernism to Christian Theology: Methodological and Radical Strategies of Engagement”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 17 (September):222-33.