What Can we Learn from Liberation Theology and how can its Ideas be Applied in Modern Times


  • Anatoliy DENYSENKO Anatoliy DENYSENKO, master of theology and philosophy, PhD student at National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kiev, Ukraine)., Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7166-9401




Liberation Theology, Ukrainian theological discourse, Dialogue between society and religious communities, Latin American theology, Transformation of traditional religious institutions and practices of Christianity


The purpose of this article on the basis of sources on liberation theology is to identify, analyze, and summarize the nature of this branch of theology, while emphasizing the practical problems of the church. As a methodological framework, the author analyzed primary sources of Latin American theology, which allows the reader to consider more deeply the theological and socio-cultural features of liberation theology. The paper is original in that the author puts new names and ideas into Ukrainian theological discourse, addresses key works of the representatives of liberation theology, and promotes a different approach to theology, hermeneutics, and missiology. Liberation theology is presented here as a method by which it is possible to conduct a kind of discourse on almost all theological and social topics of the Christian life. In conclusion, the author states that although liberation theology is inextricably linked to leftist ideology, it causes intense debate in the scholarly and especially the theological environment. Despite the availability of a wide range of interpretations of the new movement, one cannot ignore the religious significance of this innovative movement. Recognition of the potential of liberation theology leads to the actualization of the transformation of traditional religious institutions and practices of Christianity. Liberation theology opens up new possibilities for dialogue between society and religious communities, and the new socio-cultural situation in Ukraine proves that this version of theology is more than relevant today

Author Biography

Anatoliy DENYSENKO, Anatoliy DENYSENKO, master of theology and philosophy, PhD student at National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kiev, Ukraine).

Master of theology and philosophy, PhD student at National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kiev, Ukraine). He has published articles in the periodicals Christian Megapolis, Theolgcal Reflections, Bogmyslie, fnd others.


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How to Cite

DENYSENKO, Anatoliy. 2016. “What Can We Learn from Liberation Theology and How Can Its Ideas Be Applied in Modern Times”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 16 (May):166-76. https://doi.org/10.29357/issn.2521-179X.2016.16.155.