Christians and the unsaved: A Comparative Examination of John MacArthur’s and Rick Warren’s Views of People Outside the Church


  • Andrey KRAVTSEV Andrey KRAVTSEV, In 2004–2012 he served as principal of North Caucasus Bible Institute in Prohladny (Kabradino-Balkaria, Russia) and taught courses in biblical hermeneutics, New Testament exegesis, and biblical theology., Russian Federation



John MacArthur, Rick Warren, People outside the Christian community, Christians and the "unsaved", Comparative analysis of sermons, Dialogue theology of Warren


The article is a comparative analysis of two sets of sermons by John MacArthur and Rick Warren (25 sermons from each preacher) with respect to how each of the two pastors portray people outside the Christian community and how they instruct their members to relate to the "unsaved." As evangelicals, both MacArthur and Warren share similar theological convictions, however, when they speak about relationships to those outside the church, significant differences in emphases come to the surface. The article traces these back to different concepts of the world (in the sense of human society as such). Deductive theology by MacArthur tends to see the world negatively and encourages Christian separation from it, whereas dialogical theologizing by Warren emphasizes individual and sees humans in a more positive way, thus encouraging creative but discerning involvement in their lives. The choice of the topic is based on perceived influence of both preachers on emerging theology of missions among evangelicals in Russia.

Author Biography

Andrey KRAVTSEV, Andrey KRAVTSEV, In 2004–2012 he served as principal of North Caucasus Bible Institute in Prohladny (Kabradino-Balkaria, Russia) and taught courses in biblical hermeneutics, New Testament exegesis, and biblical theology.

Andrey Kravtsev is a doctoral student in intercultural studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Deerfield, IL). In 2004–2012 he served as principal of North Caucasus Bible Institute in Prohladny (Kabradino-Balkaria, Russia) and taught courses in biblical hermeneutics, New Testament exegesis, and biblical theology. He is married and
has three children


  1. Without bibliography


How to Cite

KRAVTSEV, Andrey. 2013. “Christians and the Unsaved: A Comparative Examination of John MacArthur’s and Rick Warren’s Views of People Outside the Church”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 14 (September):265-78.