Traditional Russian(speaking Baptist Worship in Orthodox Context
Baptist churches, Worship, Ecclesiology, practical theologyAbstract
The article raises the question of the importance of orthodoxy context in formation of traditional service in Baptist churches in Belarus. Noting, that the service is a result of difficult historical processes, interaction of traditions and cultures, geographical relations, the author pays a special attention to the local religious surroundings, where the evangelical movement started and developed. As a background there is given a short estimate of spiritual situation in Belarus (The Russian Empire) in the end of 19th – beginning of 20th cent. and the role of orthodox liturgy in life of believers. On the concrete examples there are considered the questions of collaboration and rupture of evangelical believers with orthodoxy. The second part shows how the reaction to the orthodoxy could contribute to the cardinal simplifying of the evangelical service’s rites (in an attempt to overcome the rupture between service and ethics).The author pays a special attention to the radical difference of the service space. The third part gives the examples, which witness about the influence of orthodox context on the form and content of Baptist service and penetration of orthodox motives into the ECB meetings.
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