The Strengths and Weaknesses of Anselm of Canterbury’s Ontological Proof for the Existence of God, from a Theological and Philosophical Standpoint


  • Eduard SABLON LEIVA Eduard SABLON LEIVA, Master of Divinity program, and at National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kiev), Cuba



The existence of God, Anselm of Canterbury, Ontological evidence


This article is dedicated to analysis of the socalled Ontological Proof for the exist ence of God as framed by Anselm of Canterbury. Over the course of history, the Proof has been, and continues to be, exposed to criticism in the philosophical and theological arenas, from atheists as well as theists. In light of the fact that arguments over the Proof continue into our day, it demands the attention of contemporary philosophical and theological thinkers. The present work is an attempt to dissect and analyze the Proof, or Argument, as Anselm framed it, and to identify its strengths and weaknesses from theological and philosophical viewpoints. Atten tion will be paid as well to its significance and application in our day.

Author Biography

Eduard SABLON LEIVA, Eduard SABLON LEIVA, Master of Divinity program, and at National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kiev)

Eduard Sablon Leiva was born in 1988. He graduat ed from Zaporozhye Bible College and Seminary in 2009 with a bachelor's degree in theology. He studied at Zaporozhye National Technical University (2011–2014) and at present is studying at both Irpen Biblical Seminary, in the Master of Divinity program, and at National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kiev) in the depart ment of philosophy. His academic interests lie in the areas of historical and sys tematic theology and ancient and medieval philosophy.


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How to Cite

SABLON LEIVA, Eduard. 2014. “The Strengths and Weaknesses of Anselm of Canterbury’s Ontological Proof for the Existence of God, from a Theological and Philosophical Standpoint”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 15 (May):179-208.