The “Seven Sacraments” of Russian Baptists


  • Constantine PROKHOROV Constantine PROKHOROV, West Siberian Bible College in Omsk, Russian Federation, Russian Federation



Seven Sacraments of Baptists, Russian Baptists, Church ordinances


This paper addresses the Orthodox impact on the ecclesiology of the ECB brotherhood and especially on the doctrine of church ordinances (sacraments). The author shows that in the RussianUkrainian Baptist brotherhood, any symbolic interpretation of the “church ordinances” covertly surrenders to the idea of sacrament, which makes the general picture of the ecclesio logical views of the Russian Baptists deeper and far from trivial. Whereas Western Protestants usually distinguish only two ordinances, water baptism and the Lord's Supper, Russian Baptists not infrequently went further, seriously considering the “seven sacraments,” which has drawn them noticeably closer in their beliefs to Eastern Orthodox sacramentology. It is noteworthy that these trends were typical
for both the official (AUCECB) and illegal (CC ECB) Baptists.

Author Biography

Constantine PROKHOROV, Constantine PROKHOROV, West Siberian Bible College in Omsk, Russian Federation

Constantine Prokhorov is a graduate of North Kazakhstan University and Odessa Theological Seminary (Ukraine) and holds his MTh and PhD degrees from IBTS, Prague, Czech Republic / University of Wales. He has published articles in the periodicals Grani, Continent, Bogomyslie, Theological Reflections, and others. He is the author of several books published in Russia, Germany, Great Britain and the USA. He is married and has three children.


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How to Cite

PROKHOROV, Constantine. 2014. “The ‘Seven Sacraments’ of Russian Baptists”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 15 (May):142-78.