Leadership in the Face of Trauma: A Qualitative Study of Forced Ukrainian Christian Migrants
leadership, trauma, forced migration, multifaceted leadership, values, adaptability, compassion, Сhristian spirituality, empathy, resilience, faith, warAbstract
This article delves into the leadership experiences of Ukrainian Christian forced migrants amidst the ongoing aggressive war against Ukraine. Drawing from theoretical frameworks related to trauma and forced migration, as well as leadership models, this research seeks to comprehend the intricacies of leadership exhibited by Ukrainian displaced individuals. Based on qualitative data from 130 participants, the study identifies key themes concerning leadership during wartime. It contributes to the development of a trauma-sensitive theology of leadership and offers insights into the leadership development requirements of Ukrainians post-war. The insights gathered from these refugees reveal that wartime leadership is dynamic and multifaceted. It encompasses values, adaptability, compassion, and Christian spirituality, extending beyond traditional models to prioritize the well-being of individuals and communities. The experiences and perspectives of these refugees offer valuable lessons for understanding leadership in the most challenging of circumstances, emphasizing the enduring importance of empathy, resilience, and faith in guiding individuals and communities through times of war.
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