Forgetting the Cosmological Origins of Metaphysical Warfare in Rev. 12:7-12: A Dialogue with Cato Gulaker and Peter Leithart
Cosmic war/conflict, metaphysics, God, Michael, Satan, devil, narrativeAbstract
This article offers an analytical review of two approaches to the interpretation of the metaphysical background of the conflict in Rev. 12:7–12. It presents the distinctive features of each of them and the hermeneutic strategy of their authors. It has been observed that theologians have neglected the unity and inspiration of Scripture, and as a result, their conclusions about the subject matter of the study contradict the theological meanings of the history of man’s redemption. The main purpose of this article is not only to point out the complex of problems associated with the rejection of the authenticity of the metaphysical confrontation in these texts. But also for the first time in a theological discussion of this kind, to demonstrate the negative consequences, both for Christian ideology and for humanity as a whole, of rejecting the cosmological cause of the metaphysical war between God and Satan, which took place before the creation of the earth.
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