Game of the World différance and Ukrainian Theology: Language, Experience, Ethics, Advent


  • Mahomed Rubanenko National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine



Deconstruction, différance, a coming democracy, pure gift, khôra, unconditional hospitality, Kingdom of God, Jacques Derrida, John Caputo


Late XX and early XXI centuries are marked by increased interest in deconstruction of Jacques Derrida, which covered with its influence almost all spheres of humanities studies, including theology. In Ukrainian theological discourse the theme of deconstruction is just beginning to be elaborated. The main purpose of the presented article is to consider the key Derridian word-notion “différance” (distinction) – the engine of deconstruction – and its influence on philosophical discourse, the central theme of which is language. The author also critically analyzes the adjacent strategies of “pure gift”, “chora” (khôra) and “unconditional hospitality” in the context of the key symbol of the Derridian corpus: a coming democracy (démocratie à venir), identified in this article with the Christian eschatological symbol “the Kingdom of God”. These strategies, developed by Derrida, aim at a gradual transformation of experience and ethics in the known structures of existence (linguistic, political, religious, social and domestic). The article concludes with an analysis of the relationship between the principles of coming democracy (represented by Derrida’s deconstructivist project and John Caputo’s “weak theology”) and Ukrainian theological thought, as well as a consideration of its possible future.

Author Biography

Mahomed Rubanenko, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

Master of Theology


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How to Cite

Rubanenko, Mahomed. 2022. “Game of the World différance and Ukrainian Theology: Language, Experience, Ethics, Advent”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology 20 (1):105-35.