The Phenomenon of Simone Weil as “Excess” and “Lack” in the Symbolic Structure of Philosophical Language: a Personalist Approach
“Absence of God”, excess, lack, vacuum, attention, Other, personalism, presence, gap, emptiness, desire, phenomenologyAbstract
Simone Weil as a subject of philosophizing is the effect of excess, vacuum, or scarcity in the harmoniously coordinated system of paradigms that make up the indicators of intellectual language. Her concept of “God-absence” (silence) as the negative presence of God in the sacred experience of the atheist is a paradox of meeting with God through a metaphysical break with religious orthodoxy. The article analyzes the synchrony and diachrony of S. Weil’s views from materialism to spiritualism in interdisciplinary discourse outside the linear stages and sectoral fragmentation on the methodological basis of personalism. The author pays special attention to reading S. Weil’s autobiographical essay Waiting for God and her Diaries. In these works, S. Weil as an expression of the semiotic unity of the life and the text describes his own experience of emptiness, the Other, attention, desire, faith, dis-belief, love, encounter with Christ. Analysis of the works of famous philosophers and theologians gives grounds to conclude that the views of S. Weil had an impact on modern psychoanalysis, philosophy of dialogue, critical theory, traditionalism, phenomenology.
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