Towards a Theology of Dignity and Freedom: Existentialism and the Prospects for Reform of Protestant Witness to Post-Soviet Society


  • Joshua Searle Spurgeon’s College, United Kingdom



post-Soviet context, public theology, protestantism, Nikolai Berdyaev, existentialism


This article examines how existentialist approaches to theology can be applied towards the elucidation of the meaning of dignity and freedom in post-Soviet society. The first part identifies key relevant characteristics of existentialism. The next section explores the relevance of existentialism for the context of post-Soviet Eastern European society through a critical examination of the concepts of dignity and freedom from an existentialist perspective, drawing primarily on the insights of Nikolai Berdyaev. Finally, the article addresses the contribution that Protestant theology could make towards the critique and renewal of post-Soviet society through a creative application of key concepts and ideas associated with existentialism.


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How to Cite

Searle, Joshua. 2021. “Towards a Theology of Dignity and Freedom: Existentialism and the Prospects for Reform of Protestant Witness to Post-Soviet Society”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology 19 (2):31-49.