The Idea of History and Worldview in N.T. Wright Hermeneutics
hermeneutics, critical realism , metaphor, narrativeAbstract
N.T. Wright, who represents the New Perspective on Paul, applies philosophical construct of critical realism to the study of the New Testament text. This article explores how N.T. Wright approaches the study of the person of Jesus Christ and his teaching in the context of ancient Judaism, and Apostle Paul’s theology and its application in the early Christian communities. A special attention is paid to the essential works of N.T. Wright, in which he describes epistemology applied to the New Testament studies. This article synchronously explores two main concepts – worldview and history – in the theory of cognition according to critical realism. By studying several methods and approaches to the biblical text (or their totality), a contemporary Christian can choose for herself the method that most illuminates the truth of the meanings of the Gospel of Jesus and Paul’s preaching.
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