On the Phenomenon of Leadership and the Theology of Hospitality among Evangelical Christians of Eurasia
leadership, hospitality, inclusive leadership, Christian leadership, acceptance, tolerance, evangelical Christians, cultural differences, diversityAbstract
The goal of this article is to analyze how views about leadership endorsed by evangelical Christians in Eurasia (countries of the former Soviet Union) correlate with the exercise of hospitality. Also, it provides brief recommendations for inclusive leadership formation based on the Gospel. In this article, hospitality is understood as an open and friendly attitude towards individuals whose cultural or physical characteristics are different from those of the leaders or communities; the term “inclusive leadership” is used as an equivalent of the philosophical concept “hospitality.” The premise of the paper is the conviction that hospitality is necessary for the development and practice of moral and effective leadership. To complete this article, materials of two research projects done by Hodos Institute were used. Although these research projects did not directly address the subject of hospitality, they contained questions about the nature, formation, and development of leadership. The results of our analysis demonstrated that only a few evangelical Christians in the former Soviet Union associate leadership with hospitality. In conclusion, we suggested some recommendations for the development of inclusive leadership. Namely, evangelical Christians in Eurasia have to rethink/reinterpret individual and organizational leadership in light of the Gospel message that removes barriers between people and creates conditions for the practice of “hospital,” inclusive leadership.References
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