God’s Mission in the Diverse City: Discovering and Offering Hospitality
City, Community, Disciple Making Movement (DMM), Diversity, Hospitality, Immigrants, Needy, Person of Peace, Poor, Urban.н.Abstract
This paper focuses on ways to minister to diverse peoples in cities through hospitality. After surveying the Bible to better understand the origins and character of diversity, biblical examples of discovering and offering hospitality are explored. These ideas are then applied to a modern context with concrete suggestions for discovering and offering hospitality as ways to minister to diverse urban peoples. Barriers to offering hospitality are also analyzed and suggestions for overcoming them are given. Discovering and offering hospitality are both biblical and effective means for ministry to urban immigrants and the urban poor as well as a key component to developing Christian community that can bless and love the surrounding community. Churches, parachurch organizations, and mission organizations should take note of the importance of hospitality ministry among diverse peoples in cities.
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