Loneliness as a Pandemic in a Global Social Isolation
Existential loneliness, cultural loneliness, social loneliness, emotional loneliness, spiritual loneliness, social isolation, relationality, pandemicAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the influence of loneliness as a problem, which is especially prevalent in the context of modern social isolation, which has a global scale. It is argued that loneliness is a multifaceted concept that is reflected in the social, cultural, emotional, ideological and spiritual spheres of human life. A detailed classification of the types of loneliness and their manifestations in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic is given, the differences between such concepts adjacent to loneliness as “solitude” and “social isolation” are highlighted. Based on the analysis of current existing global trends and scientific research in this area, a conclusion is made about the consequences and extent of the spread of loneliness, recommendations are given for overcoming and preventing loneliness.References
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