Cyril Hovorun’s Methodology of Ecclesiological Research: A Critical Appraisal




theology, modern Orthodox theology, Сhurch, nature of the Сhurch, methodology, methodology of theology.


The article analyzes the ecclesiology of C. Hovorun. C. Hovorun sees in his reminiscence the premodern and modern ideas about the Church, the analysis of theological concepts of the Church, the discovery of the inner essence of it and external manifestations. The theologian uses phenomenological, poststructuralistic and analytical methodologies
to describe the nature of the Church and its structures. The theological heritage of C. Hovorun stands out as a methodological and theological basis for the reformation of the Orthodox Church. His position prompts the renovation of the church and is a theological analysis of the preconditions for its  modernization. The ecclesiological concept of the theologian fully fits into contemporary world Christian trends, in the context of the new generation of Orthodox theology. The Ukrainian theologian is developing his own version of the modern, postmodern orthodoxy, open to dialogue with other churches, focused on finding a methodology for a new reading of church history, the search for ways to return the church to himself.

Author Biography


Hennadii Khrystokin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Political Science of National University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (Irpin, Ukraine)


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How to Cite

KHRYSTOKIN, Hennadii. 2019. “Cyril Hovorun’s Methodology of Ecclesiological Research: A Critical Appraisal”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 23 (October):101-20.