The Reception of Individualism in the Epistemological Doctrines of Modern Philosophy


  • Varvara Samokhvalova Department of Humanities and social Sciences at Russian Foreign Trade Academy (VAVT)., Russian Federation



axiology, epistemology, knowledge, immanence, individualism, object, subject, transcendence, philosophy, ethics.


The paper aims to demonstrate dependence of specific content of epistemological constructions of Enlightenment philosophy from the degree of “reformation” impulse towards individualization of all life forms. Comparative analysis of epistemological concepts of Bacon, Descartes and Leibniz reveals the fundamental significance of axiological presupposition for philosophical concepts of scientific knowledge.

Author Biography

Varvara Samokhvalova, Department of Humanities and social Sciences at Russian Foreign Trade Academy (VAVT).

Varvara Samokhvalova – candidate of philosophical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of Humanities and social Sciences at Russian Foreign Trade Academy (VAVT). Area of scientific interests – history of philosophy, history of European culture.


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How to Cite

Samokhvalova, Varvara. 2017. “The Reception of Individualism in the Epistemological Doctrines of Modern Philosophy”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 19 (September):98-111.