The Reformation: A Very Short Introduction


  • Rostislav TKACHENKO Rostislav TKACHENKО, Rostislav TKACHENKO, аdjunct Professor of Historical Theology at Odessa Theological Seminary and Lviv Theological Seminary (Ukrainе), Ukraine



Peter Marshall, The Reformation, The Middle Ages, Theology of the Reformation


A small, relatively recent, and well-written book by Peter Marshall belongs to the well-known Oxford series called “Very Short Introductions.” It is an informative and analytical introduction to the history, culture, politics, and theology of the Reformation that took place in sixteenth-century Europe. The Reformation is an academic research-based book that is nevertheless very accessible to a wide audience. It is part of the larger company of historical and cultural mini-handbooks such as, The Middle Ages: A Very Short Introduction by Miri Rubin (2014) and The Renaissance: A Very Short Introduction by Jerry Brotton (2006). The former volume precedes the discussion of the Reformation, and the latter complements and deepens it. The phenomenon of Reformations is surveyed and analyzed by Peter.

The Reformation: A Very Short Introduction. By Peter Marshall. New York, NY : Oxford University Press , 2009, xii + 153 pp.; ISBN 978–0–19–923131–7 (pbk.); 7.00 USD.*

* The review received on 6.12.2016; approved for publication on 20.12.2016.

Author Biography

Rostislav TKACHENKO, Rostislav TKACHENKО, Rostislav TKACHENKO, аdjunct Professor of Historical Theology at Odessa Theological Seminary and Lviv Theological Seminary (Ukrainе)

Rostislav Tkachenko, Master of Theology and Religious Studies (Th.M.), Ph.D. candidate at Evangelishe Theologishe Faculteit, Leuven; Adjunct Professor of Historical Theology at Odessa Theological Seminary and Lviv Theological Seminary (Ukrainе).


  1. In the original article there is no list of used literature

How to Cite

TKACHENKO, Rostislav. 2017. “The Reformation: A Very Short Introduction”. Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology, no. 18 (June):184-90.